May 2024 Update

Greetings Yogie Fans!

May is here and we are hoping some of the more dangerous storms we have had are behind us. But this is Louisiana, and we have to expect the unexpected. We hope all our fans in the recent storm areas are safe. It was bad here, but we are okay.

Happy Anniversary Yogie and Friends!!  We celebrate 24 years of services to animal rescue on May 26th.

We have some incredibly sad news to report. One of our longtime fans and supporters, Rosana Snyder Bruner, has died. Rosana was a longtime board member of Animal Welfare Inc. She was also a huge fan of Yogie and Friends. More importantly she was a dear friend of ours. She and Jenny would email and talk often. When Jenny did not hear back from her after several emails, Rosana always replied, she started to really worry. When Jenny called her, her phone kept ringing and the answering machine did not pick up, so she went to her house this past Saturday and there were no vehicles in the driveway. A neighbor answered his door and confirmed Jenny’s fears that Rosana had died. We do not know the exact day she died since there is no obituary and her daughter lives in Houston. But we did find that Rosana’s older sister, Shirley, also died a few days after Rosana did. Shirley died February 23rd at the age of ninety-two, so we know Rosana died that week as well. Rosana lived a long, and active life. She was an amazing 90 years old! We loved Rosana and will miss her presence here on earth, but what a life she had.

R.I.P. Rosana Bruner   9 June 1933 – February 2024

GIVE FOR GOOD: Give for Good officially begins on May 7th. Early giving has begun, and we have already seen donations coming in. This is a 24 hour online giving program that is done in the Shreveport-Bossier area to help local non-profits. We are having difficulty with the link, but If you would like to donate to Yogie and Friends during, Give for Good go directly to: and select Yogie and Friends FIV Positive Cat Sanctuary.

VET CARE: We had a short break with vet bills, and as often comes with rescue, we got hit hard.

Bandit, who is Snowball’s litter-mate, had been suffering with severe diarrhea and we just could not get it under control. We honestly thought she may have had cancer, or something she could not survive, but we still wanted to get her seen and see if there was anything we could do. We had her thyroid checked, as well as a CBC and full chem panel. Her blood work was surprisingly good. It was the result of the fecal panel we got an answer. Bandit was diagnosed with coronavirus. Not the human form. But this form is what also can lead to Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), which is what killed Miracle. She has been an inpatient on fluids off and on and did well for a period of time. She made some huge improvements, but her advanced age may be making it difficult to get over the virus. Still, we are hopeful she can make it. We will give her every chance.

Alex, one of our FIV positive cats, looked like his mouth hurt while he was eating. He went to the vet on the first and had dental surgery on the second. Alex has stomatitis, which is common in FIV cats, and the only cure is tooth extraction. Some cats can get by with a few teeth here and there, but Alex had several lesions, and needed fifteen teeth removed. He is staying with Jenny for a few days while he is recovering. Grayson and Brexit both had this and do very well. Alex will too and will feel a lot better.

Chloe,’ our 20-year-old cat, gets weekly subcutaneous fluid treatment. Other than this, she is in amazing shape, and you would never really know she is that old.

Of course, we now have a large vet bill, and we still have Bandit in the hospital, but at this point our bill is $2164.09. And we get a 50% discount at our vet.

If you can help in any way, it would be much appreciated.

You can call the vet clinic directly at 318-747-5747 and make a donation over the phone.

Or you can PayPal at

Or Venmo at YogieCats


BUILDING REPAIRS: The painting of the Frierson cat building has been a slow process with Jenny’s recent medical injury, but it is getting there. As soon as that is done, then the floor will be replaced. We got a price for the vinyl plank floor like we have in the Bossier buildings, and it will run about $1000, which is not bad at all. We have some friends who install floors and we are going to see if they would be willing to install it for free. Paws and claws crossed with that. After that we will add climbing type shelves and avoid cat trees since they cannot be disinfected, and we want to keep the building as healthy as possible.

We want to thank our friend, Mike Powell, for bringing his friend, Jason, who was like a beast with the weed eater and branch cutter, for doing some much needed work on overgrowth to the outdoor habitats. It looks amazing.

FOOD AND LITTER: We need food and litter in a bad way. We do not know why it is so difficult to find it here locally, but other rescuers have told us they are having difficulty finding it too. If you would like to help with this, you can go to our Chewy and Amazon links listed below. We appreciate your help.

ADDRESS CHANGE: A reminder that we have a new physical address for Yogie and Friends. It is now: Yogie and Friends, 140 Fob Lane, Frierson, LA 71027

We continue to need your help and there are a few ways you can do that. The following are the wish lists for supplies:

KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS:  Attention Kroger Shoppers. Please consider helping our cats when you shop at Kroger. Our Kroger Community Rewards number is GD567, and you can find us by our name as well, Yogie and Friends FIV Positive Cat Sanctuary. When you log into your Kroger account you can select us as your charity of choice and a portion of your purchase will be donated to our rescue sanctuary. This is one of the easiest ways to help us financially when you go grocery shopping. It takes nothing out of your pockets either. How cool is that?

SPONSORSHIP We often speak of our sponsorship program and right now we are really trying hard to get all our cats sponsored. Sponsorship is a wonderful way to help support our cats. By sponsoring one of our Yogie cats, you will be providing food, limited medical care (we know that medical bills can get extremely high and do not expect a sponsor to cover it. Unless they can, and want to), and their basic care and support. 100% of the sponsorship goes to the care of these animals. If each cat had a regular, monthly, sponsor, it would help ease the financial burden of care for the animals we provide sanctuary for.

Please note that more than one person may sponsor a cat but rest assured that all sponsored funds are used for the ongoing care of our cats.

You can sponsor a cat for just $15 a month, $45 a quarter, or $180 a year. You can always contribute more. It all helps a great deal.

If you choose to sponsor a cat via PayPal or Venmo, please let us know the name of the cat you would like to sponsor.

WE CURRENTLY CARE FOR 63 CATS, as well as several feral cats we care for:


Alex – is being sponsored by Patsy, a fan in Shreveport, Louisiana.




Grayson – Is being sponsored by Phil and Ann, fans in Haughton, Louisiana.







Duncan – Is being sponsored by Vanessa, a fan in Bossier City, Louisiana.










Miss Kitty

Quinn – Is being sponsored by Denyce, a fan in Houston, Texas.

Theo (Tayo) – Is being sponsored by Denyce, a fan in Houston, Texas.

Ms. Gray











Mama – Is being sponsored by Louise, a fan in Australia.










Uncle Fester



Yakov – is being sponsored by Beverly, a fan in Shreveport, Louisiana



Maggie Mae














Give for Good On-Line Giving Day

7 May 2024 (All Day)

PAYPALPayPal has a program where you can do automatic monthly donations to Yogie and Friends. This is an easy and effective way to help our fundraising for the animals. You can also choose to pay the fees by selecting the Friends and Family option in PayPal ensuring we receive the entire amount of your donation. Our PayPal is:

FINANCIAL SUPPORTYour donations are the most important thing to help us with our animals. We are a 501(C)(3) non-profit, in good standing. Your donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. We can really use help with funds to buy food, veterinarian care, and everyday care of the well being of the animals. Thank you for your support.

Our intake is closed until further notice.

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PLEASE spay and neuter your pets. Adopt! Do not Shop!

Thank You! The Yogie Cats and their Volunteer Staff!

Posted in Monthly Newsletter, The News