Batman and Robin

Batman and Robin African Lion Batman and Robin, arrived 7 May 2003, at age 14 months, they are litter mate (Pantheras Leo) African lions.

We also got them from Texas. They had lost their “usefulness” and were no longer cute and “cuddly” for a local zoo in Texas. They were both ragged looking and timid. The zoo gave them away to a couple that got tired of them when they got too big for them.

Batman – 2007
African Lion


Robin – 2007
Robin, African Lion

Batman roaring and vocalizing loudly!



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Boo Boo

african lion Boo Boo arrived 13 Jan 2000 at age 8 weeks. She is an African Lion (Pantheras Leo)

She was born 4 December 1999.  She came to us from Kansas.

african lion

african lion

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american cougar Boudreaux, arrived 27 Sept 03, at age about 8 years old, is an (Felis Concolor) American Cougar.

Boudreaux came to us from South Carolina as a result of a private ownership from a husband and wife. The couple was divorcing and felt that one person alone wouldn’t be able to take care of him.

american cougar

american cougar

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Gomez and Morticia

siberian tigers Morticia and Gomez arrived October 2000, age 5 months. They are litter mates and are (Pantheras Tigris Altaica) Siberian tigers.

They arrived from Texas as a result of being exploited as traveling photo cats.   As a result of this exploitation, Morticia has an extreme fear of camera tripods and that is one of the reasons why we don’t allow tripods or umbrellas on the premises. She also tends to be shyer with visitors and stays in her house more.  Gomez is outgoing and loves the swimming pool a lot. 



Gomez, Morticia, and Natasha
siberian tigers

Gomez and Morticia
siberian tigers


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Mongo & Noodles

african serval Mongo and Noodles, arrived 16 April 2005, Mongo age 5, Noodles age 4. They are (Felis Serval) African Servals.

Mongo the Serval

They actually came from a loving home in Lafayette, Louisiana, but a divorce changed the housing situation and the former owner was not allowed to take them with her.





Noodles the Serval









Mongo watching Noodles play with a pumpkin
Mongo and Noodles African Servals







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baloo african lionAbout Baloo’s Short Life. Baloo was a male African lion who came to us from Arkansas. When we got Baloo he was 3 months old.

african lionHe was very wild and aggressive. It took us 2 months to calm him down and I had to sleep on the floor beside him so he would know I meant him no harm. He slowly calmed down and became one of the most loving cats we had. Baloo on his backBaloo and Yogie. He loved Yogie, and licked her a lot like you see in this photo. Yogi misses Baloo a lot.

After about 5 months Baloo couldn’t stand up to eat. We called our vet and took him there. He called Texas A&M and they said they would treat him. He spent a few days there and had brain surgery. That morning he died in his sleep. I drove there to kiss himafrican lion goodbye.

A&M did a biopsy on him and found  that he was lacking in Vitamin A. That deficiencyn apparently did not let his skull grow but his brain did and pushed against the skull wall causing undue pressure to the brain.

Please help us save these animals from such tragedy. Let’s work together to pass tougher laws restricting  ownership of exotic animals as pets and to stop unnecessary breeding of all exotic animals. Write our State Representatives and Congressman about these problems and refer them to our web site so that they can see the work we are doing for these animals. Thank you!african lion


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cougar Bubba Bubba arrived April 2002, at about age 11, is an (Felis Concolor) American Cougar.

Yogie and Friends was his seventh and final home. Bubba’s home prior to us was actually one of people who loved him, but could not afford to keep him. They chose to take him in order to prevent him from being euthanized, and then contacted another sanctuary before bringing him to us. Bubba had to have root canals and he was overweight from years of improper care and nutrition. He was a beauty and you could hear him purr.

bubba19892008.jpgUpdate 9/24/08
Bubba 1989 – 2008
Sadly we must report that we had to euthanize Bubba, the cougar, this morning. It is a very hard day for us all at Yogie and Friends. Our hearts are breaking.

bubba 2007

bubba American Cougar

bubba American Cougar

bubba American Cougar

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Pooh Bear

siberian tiger Pooh Bear, arrived 6 Oct 01, at age 9. He is a (Patheras Tigris Altaica) Siberian tiger and came to us from Texas.



Update on PoohBear 2/15/2008:  KTBS 3 News: Dying Tiger Receives Plenty of TLC
Note from the Webmaster on 3/15/2008 – I learned at the bake sale today that Pooh Bear snores.  Did you know that Tigers snore?!? (I didn’t!)
Update on Pooh Bear 3/27/08:  We have sad news to report. Our beloved Siberian tiger, Pooh Bear, died on March 27th. Pooh had a urinary tract infection that did not respond to antibiotics. His advanced age was determined to be a factor. We are all very sad and will miss him dearly. We want to thank everyone who has sent their condolences and know they are appreciated.


siberian tiger


Hungry Pooh Bear
siberian tiger

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siberian tigersNatasha arrived with Morticia and Gomez in October 2000, at age 5 months. They are litter mates and are (Pantheras Tigris Altaica) Siberian tigers.

They arrived from Texas as a result of being exploited as traveling photo cats.   As a result of this exploitation, Morticia has an extreme fear of camera tripods and that is one of the reasons why we don’t allow tripods or umbrellas on the premises. She also tends to be shyer with visitors and stays in her house more. Natasha is also shy, but does show herself some. Gomez is the most outgoing of the three and loves the swimming pool a lot.


We are sad to report that one of our beloved Siberian tigers, Natasha, passed away around 5:30 this evening. All the volunteer staff at Yogie and Friends are heartbroken. We will miss our beautiful girl.


Natasha’s necropsy showed she had lymphoma. Something we were told is quite common in young dogs and cats. There were absolutely no signs, symptoms, or otherwise any indication she was sick. She was well-nourished, bright, playful, and as happy as any captive animal could be. She knew she was loved. Death came quickly. Fifteen minutes or less. But we are still so broken hearted.

Thanks for all the warm wishes.






Gomez, Morticia, and Natasha
siberian tigers






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Moses African Lion Moses was born 27 Feb 06 as the result of a failed vasectomy. He is an (Pantheras Leo) African Lion.

Moses surprised us all with his will to survive since his mother did not know how to care for him. He had to be hand raised as a result.

 Videos of Moses from our Facebook page:





Photos of Moses the lion



Moses Return to Yogie and Friends – an article at the Shreveport Times

Lion cub returns to Louisiana sanctuary
July 8, 2006

By Vickie Welborn,

FRIERSON — Moses the lion cub is settling into his new home at Yogie and Friends Exotic Cat Sanctuary.

The 4-month-old cub returned Friday afternoon after growing healthy enough to return to his birthplace. Moses has been hand-raised at the Tiger Creek Wildlife Refuge in Tyler, Texas, since shortly after his surprise Feb. 27 birth.

Moses is the product of an unsuccessful vasectomy that allowed him to be born to two adult lions, Boo Boo and Batman, who share the same pen at Yogie and Friends. Unfortunately, Boo Boo, a first-time mother, did not bond with her cub, prompting Yogie and Friends co-founders Tim Mills and Jenny Senier to place him temporarily with the Tyler refuge.

Moses suffered health problems at the beginning, and his survival was touch-and-go at first.

But at a healthy 35 pounds, Moses was ready Friday for a return trip to the Frierson sanctuary. His departure from Tiger Creek on Friday afternoon was an emotional one for his handlers.

"I’m excited and a little nervous," said Senier of her first hands-on experience with a lion club. "Tim has done this before, but not me."

Moses is no longer bottle-fed; he’s eating about four pounds of meat a day.

Some donations from the public helped Mills and volunteers to build a 1,000-square foot pen that will serve as Moses’ home until he reaches about 100 pounds. Then, he’ll be incorporated into a pen with the other lions.

Still, Moses’ new surroundings will be larger than what he’s grown up in at the Tyler refuge.

"He’ll be surrounded by the other lions, so he has the sights, smells and sounds of his family around him," Senier said.

Mills, who lives on the property, and Senier will keep a close eye on Moses as he gets used to his new environment. Any behavioral changes will be addressed, "but we don’t expect any problems. He’s used to being in the outdoors now."

"We’re always nervous with a new animal because we want the best for them," Senier added.

Yogie and Friends provides a sanctuary for other lions, tigers, cougars, bobcats and servals that have been rescued from roadside zoos or other unsafe living conditions. The public is allowed to view the animals, but not touch or hold them. The same will be the case with Moses, although Senier admits that because he’s so small, she’s already had requests to show him off.

"But that’s not what we do," Senier said.

Moses can be viewed during the weekend hours of operation.

As for daddy Batman, he’s scheduled for another vasectomy Sunday. "I hope it works this time," Senier said.


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