
baloo african lionAbout Baloo’s Short Life. Baloo was a male African lion who came to us from Arkansas. When we got Baloo he was 3 months old.

african lionHe was very wild and aggressive. It took us 2 months to calm him down and I had to sleep on the floor beside him so he would know I meant him no harm. He slowly calmed down and became one of the most loving cats we had. Baloo on his backBaloo and Yogie. He loved Yogie, and licked her a lot like you see in this photo. Yogi misses Baloo a lot.

After about 5 months Baloo couldn’t stand up to eat. We called our vet and took him there. He called Texas A&M and they said they would treat him. He spent a few days there and had brain surgery. That morning he died in his sleep. I drove there to kiss himafrican lion goodbye.

A&M did a biopsy on him and found  that he was lacking in Vitamin A. That deficiencyn apparently did not let his skull grow but his brain did and pushed against the skull wall causing undue pressure to the brain.

Please help us save these animals from such tragedy. Let’s work together to pass tougher laws restricting  ownership of exotic animals as pets and to stop unnecessary breeding of all exotic animals. Write our State Representatives and Congressman about these problems and refer them to our web site so that they can see the work we are doing for these animals. Thank you!african lion


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